I have to actively fight against all of these feelings, all the time.

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My family moved to Australia from Houston 5 years ago, when my son was 13. When I enrolled my son in school here, a weight lifted that I didn’t even realize I was carrying. That fear was like an ever-present background noise that was suddenly gone.

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My son's preschool has a fingerprint scanner to get in/out of the building. All parents/carekeepers have their fingerprints logged in the system, and are instructed to not hold the door open for people we don't know. Twice a day, each time I scan myself into the building, I'm forced to think about why it's there, and how it won't be once he graduates and has to go to a different school, and how such a measure would have been considered insane when I was a kid, and it makes me want to scream. Thank you for sharing this piece.

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Wow! I haven't ever heard of that before and I'm so sorry. I hate that our kids have to do active shooter drills now and all we ever had to worry about was tornado and fire drills.

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We love on the main road and anytime I hear sirens I rush to the window to see if the police vehicle is headed in the direction of the school. It’s awful.

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I hate that we live this way.

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I’m not a parent yet, but the thought of safety (or lack thereof) is a large part of what is keeping me undecided. It’s awful - and not normal, as you point out - to have to think this way. 💔

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I can completely understand that. Not wanting to bring a child into a country that is so broken makes complete sense to me!

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I have felt every word of this essay and it creeps in with the start of every school year and day. The organization Moms Demand Action is my actionable answer. Hugs to you, your babies, and all of our children.

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Thank you, Bethany. I actually work alongside Shannon Watts (the founder of Moms) and just seeing all that she did/will continue to do gives me hope.

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Aug 7Liked by Sarah Hartley

Love this ❣️❣️❣️ very important to keep up the conversation of actionable items

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I remember reading this piece, and it resonating back then, and it continues to resonate today. I think I've told you that every time I drop my kiddo off at school, I hug and kiss him, tell him "I love you," just in case I never see him again. I always take an extra few minutes. He probably thinks I'm a bit crazy. He may or may not know why. I've never told him about the movie theater shootings -- as it is, he is, at times, afraid to go to the movies because he doesn't like scary previews, but if he knew about the shootings, then he would never go to the movies. Like you, I am always searching for the exits, figuring out how I'd shield his body with mine. I'd give my life for my child. But what if I can't be there, like at school? How do I give up that control? It's so, so hard.

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I think that's the worst part - is just knowing that we have absolutely no control as soon as they step through those doors!

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I’m not a parent but really resonate with this, especially with my nephew ❤️

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It's awful to think about for all of those kids that we love.

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