I'm here because sometimes I, too, feel that tingle in my hands when I am about to read a book and reach for my phone. It's just a moment in my day and I can't bring myself to message my friends with zero context just to tell them, or to ask if they've ever felt the same. Yet here you are, a stranger on the other side of the world experiencing this same feeling and talking about it! It's like I accidentally opened a door and liked the place/the people/the conversation and decided to take a sit and participate :)

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Ah! I love this so much! Well, not that you also feel those tinglys, but that you're here so we can talk about it. <3

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I’m here because I love you and because you build amazing communities and I enjoy reading about what you write about. I’m a big feeler of Human Feelings so I think I fit in here. xo

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I love you right back! And you always fit in here. <3

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Mar 20Liked by Sarah Hartley

I heard about your writing endeavors during a zoom call we were both on a few months back. I enjoy supporting your work and find your deeply personal writings insightful. It makes me feel like I have a friend I never met.

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I love that so much. Hopefully some day we'll get to meet in person and be IRL friends.

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I think I gave you my email because of your contribution on a zoom I was on. I'm overwhelmed with how much there is to read. I've been writing in a journal/diary since I was 12. I always wanted to be a writer, but I hate promoting myself. Charles Bukowski spent exactly as much time promoting his writing as doing his writing. I don't have that muscle. I've had many people say it is criminal I haven't put my writing out more into the world, but the process is exhausting and I'm not sure worth it in today's world.

It takes something to catch my interest, but once something does I can't move on until I've completed the inquiry, exposure, interest. There are two writers (both diaries) I read daily for months and couldn't read anything else. 1984. The Interrupted Life by Etty Hillesum and I forget what year but it was Hannah Senesh's Her Life and Diary. In 1984 I thought Etty was back and living inside of me. I think I like that kind of a connection with writing!

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I think one of the great things about Substack is the sort of built in network of promotion so I hope that you'll continue to write here and keep putting yourself out there. But only to the extent that you feel comfortable. And also, I'm so glad you're here!

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Mar 20Liked by Sarah Hartley

Ok, I for one am here because I am convinced we are the same person, or at least on the same wavelength. It amazes me how week after week the things you're expressing are things I've also recently written about or been thinking about (like that week we both wrote about body image)! You're the first writer I've found on Substack that I feel connected with. I always appreciate your honest posts and your thoughtful comments 🤗

Side note: I overanalyze every time I post on Substack, too. Since I don't necessarily have a niche, I fear that what I'm writing doesn't make sense and therefore won't resonate. I fear the truth of the adage, "If you're not talking to someone, you're talking to no one," yet I resist it because I don't want to pigeonhole myself.

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We are absolutely the same person :) And I feel exactly the same way about you. (Also, when are we getting our Slack convo going??)

And (unsurprisingly) I struggle with that same idea of pigeonholing myself. Yes, I could write strictly about motherhood, but I don't want to. I could write strictly about business, but I don't want to. I could write strictly about self worth, but I don't want to. And I think it's amazing when we can find a group of readers (no matter how big or small) that like this sort of chaotic energy of you never know what you'll get each week!

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Asap!! How do I add you?!

Right?? That's exactly where I'm at, I just want to write what I feel when I feel it. And I totally agree there's a fun element of surprise! I'm glad it's brought us together :)

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