This very much sums up my feelings towards social media, and is why I’m devoting my energy to this space instead! I’ve never really had a strategy on SM but notice I just feel ‘off’ and a bit heavy when it comes to posting... particularly on my grid. I actually really enjoy the chatting away part and sharing little personal things that make me feel joy on stories... for that exact reason... connection... but I don’t like the way I feel a bit trapped when I’m on it. I’ve been deleting the app from my phone for the most part and consciously adding it back when I want to share or connect and then deleting it again straight away. It helps me not default to checking in on it! I think so many of us are trying to unravel the business/socials side of things!!! Over here it feels way more genuine! Xxx

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Yes, I feel very similar about stories as well! I enjoy being there and it feels less rigid than the feed. So for the time being I've stopped posting on my feed and if I have something to share, I'll go to stories. I like your idea of regularly deleting. I'll have to try that!

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I like it because it pauses the habitual pattern of going to it without thinking. It’s still easy to drop in and out but more like the old days when you had to ‘log in’ to things and wait a few minutes!!!

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I’ve been struggling with using social media for years. I’ve been off of them since April, and find that my mental health is so much better. Not only that, but I feel more present in my life.

I thought that I would miss connecting with the people that I love following, but I’ve actually come to realize that most of the conversations I was having on social media were very base level, often superficial. There really wasn’t much connection going on at all.

From a business standpoint, I always felt gross about all the suggested performances for growing my following and couldn’t bring myself to keep doing them, if I managed to get myself to try at all.

I’m still not sure how to go about supporting my business in ways that feel good, nor how to continue to connect personally with those I wish to, but I feel confident that the social media game is not where I want to put my energy.

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I couldn't have said this better myself - "but I feel confident that the social media game is not where I want to put my energy." YES YES YES. Sometimes I think "how am I supposed to grow a business without social media?" But then I remember that social media is actually very new. Businesses are not. So there has to be a way that both feels good and is effective. And honestly I'm to the point now where if it's a choice between having to do those tactics on Instagram and not growing, I'd choose not growing.

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Social media is very new, you’re right. And businesses have been finding ways to succeed since forever without them. Honestly, they need us more than we need them.

And I came to the same conclusion as you too, that if certain things are what is required, then I might rather close shop. I’ve decided I will find my own way. If it doesn’t feel right, I’m not doing it.

It’s comforting to know that other people are trying to find new ways too!

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