Hi Sarah! Lauren pointed me to your post because of your mention on Digital Minimalism—it’s a favorite of mine and I think about it constantly since I read it last year. Can definitely recommend! :)

I have curbed my Instagram usage a lot by replacing that time with Substack instead, and I’ve found that the longer I go without looking at IG, the less I think about or crave/miss it. It’s seriously out of sight, out of mind. However, I still struggle with compulsive checking on apps like my email and budgeting app instead of picking up that book next to me on the couch…it’s a journey. I’ve yet to implement the detox talked about in Digital Minimalism but I want to!

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Oh I love hearing about your experience!! I have a feeling once I actually just say goodbye to Instagram I'll be fine. But the compulsive checking thing, I definitely get. I do it with my email all the time. I'd like to retrain my brain to open up the Substack app and read all of the great newsletters I subscribe to, but I suppose it's a work in progress!

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Oh SAME on opening the Substack app instead of email. We can do it, one moment at a time! 🙃

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Yes to long breaks from social! It’s so hard, but if you can have more in depth convos here, then it’s worth it.

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I do love having DM conversations on IG, but the mindless scrolling that happens in between those DM's just doesn't feel worth it.

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We had a great time at the Railroad Museum in Golden Colorado, though I know that’s quite a haul for East Coasters!

I had mixed feelings when I first took Instagram off my phone but I find the more time I spend off of it, the better I feel and the less I feel like opening it again. At this point I will open it in a browser on laptop once per month. I typically see posts from a few people who I care about at the top, look those over, like and then leave because anything more and I feel it in my spirit. I know I am missing out on a lot of things from a lot of people I care about but I’ve been trying to interact with people more from their substacks or newsletters or other means. xo

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I love your take on Instagram. I think once I get over those initial feelings of FOMO I'll be just fine. Especially since I'm enjoying much more spending time here on Substack. And thank you for the rec! I bet my kids would love that if we ever make it out that way.

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Mar 27Liked by Sarah Hartley

Sarah, you are at the top of the list of my favorite Substack-ers 🤗 thank you for reading and for being you!

Also, “If I don’t do the work, the work doesn’t get done, and I don’t get paid.” This. This is me. Freelance is so freeing, but boy does it take work.

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Also also, my personal social media vice is TikTok. I scroll for way too long, way past the point when I’m starting to get bored of everything I’m seeing. I definitely need a detox as well. I haven’t heard of the book you mentioned but am interested in giving it a read!

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Thankfully I haven't fallen into the TikTok rabbit hole but I have no doubt I'd spiral there. If you end up picking that book up let me know and we can chat about it on Slack!

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